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Frequently Asked Questions About Fee Estimates

Can I estimate fees after insurance?

Yes, you can use our price estimator tool to estimate balances after insurance or self pay fees (if you do not have insurance). If you need help estimating or you do not find the service you need in the tool, you can also contact us directly

What is a CPT Code?

A CPT code is a universal code that is part of a coding system used by all medical providers, and includes every service that can be provided to a patient. This code can be obtained from your referring clinician. When describing the procedure, you are required to provide CPT code(s) so that you can receive the most accurate quote.

How long does it take to receive a quote?

Our online price estimator tool may be able to provide you with an immediate quote.

If not, you can choose to have us contact you within two business days by phone, email, or postal mail.

How accurate is my quote?

A quote is not a guarantee of the final amount due. The estimate we provide is based on the average charge for the same or similar encounters and incorporating your specific insurance information and benefits details obtained from your insurance carrier. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of our quotes, the total charges could increase or decrease depending on the actual services that are required to carry out your clinician’s orders. Different tests or additional tests that may be deemed necessary by your clinician are not included in this estimate. Your out of pocket costs may be affected by the accuracy of insurance benefits and other healthcare claims in process by your insurance company.

Contact Us

Call Patient Billing Services

413-794-9999 or toll free at 877-461-1931. Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm

Radiology and Anesthesiology

Estimates for services do not include charges from radiologists or anesthesiologists. To obtain those separate estimates, please call:

  • Springfield Anesthesia at 413-796-7494
  • Baystate Medical Center Radiology & Imaging at 800-688-6663
  • Baystate Franklin Medical Center Radiology & Imaging at 800-524-2554
  • Baystate Mary Lane Outpatient Center Radiology & Imaging at 800-688-6663